Thursday, February 21, 2008

Won't you gentlemen have a Pepsi?

Was listening to NPR this morning on the way to work and they were talking about the Islamic Political party in Tajikistan where they talk about issues in Dushanbe

So either at this point you are thinking "So, the fuck what?" or you are peeling bag the fog to misty memories of Spies like Us as the dimwitted duo heads across Tajikistan on the road to Dushanbe before eventually ambushing a Russian mobile Misslie Launcher while dressed as aliens making "meep meep" noises.
Man the summer of 1985 was pretty cool...
I would have been 12 and I know I went to see Back to the Future ,Rambo: First Blood Part II, Rocky IV, The Jewel of the Nile, and most especially - The Goonies.
See, I helped sort count & pack somewhere in the range of a bazillion Glow in the Dark Goonies Iron On Heat Transfers - and nothing owuld stop me from seeing that movie... not a damned thing. I know i saw it over and over and over again. great show for 12 years old... still pretty fun today.

Also noticed Brazi and The Breakfast Club came out in 1985 - a few lears later I watched breakfast Club waaaay too many times, but Brazil - now theres a fucked up show .
The first time i saw it was on a tv station with bad reception that showed the edit with the happy ending... which seemed so wrong... in any version, Tuttle getting erased by the swarm of paprwork is still such a strong image... a man devoured by paperwork. If your life touches any kind of bureacracy, the scene become that much more disturbing.

Damn NPR for triggeirng my brain with Spies Like Us trivia!
now I have to make up the half hour of work I just wasted!

...Ok so I probably wouldn't have made the connection if I hadn't watched the show a week or so ago... not like sat transfixed or anything, just had it on while playing some Civ IV.

Ace Tomato Company for the win!